Events in May

Forthcoming Events

Thu 1st May

Weekly Prayer Meeting (Week 8)
11am - noon
Kwong Lee Dow, Room 218
Join us for an uplifting hour of praise, worship, and praying over our campus. ⭐️
Thursday Discovery Bible Study
noon - 1pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
House of Peace Week 8
5pm - 6:30pm
Room 224 Law building
House of Peace is our fortnightly community event where we will come together as a club, and spend time singing worship songs, connecting with one another and listening to a bible talk from guest speakers to help everyone get to know Jesus 😍 better

Fri 2nd May

POC Bla(c)k Collective
2pm - 4pm
Room 202, Building 168

Mon 5th May

Coffee Catchups in weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Coffee Catchup
noon - 1pm
Castro's Kiosk
Enjoy your semester with an opportunity to meet and socialise with your diverse peers who are interested in physics. There will be FREE DRINKS of your choice for those attending. Hope to see you there!

Tue 6th May

Tuesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
Image contains a logo of a black side-profile silhouette of llama looking backwards, set on a white background. Below the logo reads the acronym "F.O.U.L." in similarly black colour. Weekly Hangout with snacks!
1pm - 4pm
Join us and our llama overlords for a fun hangout - we'll have snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and mayhem :)

Wed 7th May

Pink banner lunch image Queer Lunch
12:30pm - 1:30pm
POC Collective
1pm - 3pm
POC Space, Level 3, Building 168
Wednesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃

Thu 8th May

Weekly Prayer Meeting (Week 9)
11am - noon
Kwong Lee Dow, Room 218
Join us for an uplifting hour of praise, worship, and praying over our campus. ⭐️
Thursday Discovery Bible Study
noon - 1pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
Movie Screening
5pm - 8pm
Parkville, Victoria

Fri 9th May

POC Bla(c)k Collective
2pm - 4pm
Room 202, Building 168

Mon 12th May

Aroace collective
11:30am - 12:30pm
Room 101, Building 168
Undergraduate Social Study Sessions in weeks 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Social Study Session
noon - 1pm
Laby Ideas Centre
If you are looking to make some new friends, have a nice social place to study or want a quick snack, join us in the Laby Ideas centre! We will keep we will keep you accountable on those procrastinated assignments with FREE SNACKS!

Tue 13th May

Tuesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
Image contains a logo of a black side-profile silhouette of llama looking backwards, set on a white background. Below the logo reads the acronym "F.O.U.L." in similarly black colour. Weekly Hangout with snacks!
1pm - 4pm
Join us and our llama overlords for a fun hangout - we'll have snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and mayhem :)

Wed 14th May

POC Collective
1pm - 3pm
POC Space, Level 3, Building 168
Wednesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃

Thu 15th May

Weekly Prayer Meeting (Week 10)
11am - noon
211 Bouverie St, B103 (Lecture Theatre 1)
Join us for an uplifting hour of praise, worship, and praying over our campus. ⭐️
Thursday Discovery Bible Study
noon - 1pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
House of Peace Week 10
5pm - 6:30pm
Room 224 Law building
House of Peace is our fortnightly community event where we will come together as a club, and spend time singing worship songs, connecting with one another and listening to a bible talk from guest speakers to help everyone get to know Jesus 😍 better

Fri 16th May

POC Bla(c)k Collective
2pm - 4pm
Room 202, Building 168

Mon 19th May

Aroace collective
11:30am - 12:30pm
Room 101, Building 168
Coffee Catchups in weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Coffee Catchup
noon - 1pm
Castro's Kiosk
Enjoy your semester with an opportunity to meet and socialise with your diverse peers who are interested in physics. There will be FREE DRINKS of your choice for those attending. Hope to see you there!

Tue 20th May

Tuesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
Image contains a logo of a black side-profile silhouette of llama looking backwards, set on a white background. Below the logo reads the acronym "F.O.U.L." in similarly black colour. Weekly Hangout with snacks!
1pm - 4pm
Join us and our llama overlords for a fun hangout - we'll have snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and mayhem :)

Wed 21st May

POC Collective
1pm - 3pm
POC Space, Level 3, Building 168
Wednesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃

Thu 22nd May

Weekly Prayer Meeting (Week 11)
11am - noon
211 Bouverie St, B103 (Lecture Theatre 1)
Join us for an uplifting hour of praise, worship, and praying over our campus. ⭐️
Thursday Discovery Bible Study
noon - 1pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃

Fri 23rd May

POC Bla(c)k Collective
2pm - 4pm
Room 202, Building 168

Mon 26th May

Aroace collective
11:30am - 12:30pm
Room 101, Building 168
Undergraduate Social Study Sessions in weeks 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Social Study Session
noon - 1pm
Laby Ideas Centre
If you are looking to make some new friends, have a nice social place to study or want a quick snack, join us in the Laby Ideas centre! We will keep we will keep you accountable on those procrastinated assignments with FREE SNACKS!
Stress-less sanctuary
26th May 4pm - 29th May 6pm
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building (Building 159), Parkville campus

Tue 27th May

Tuesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
Image contains a logo of a black side-profile silhouette of llama looking backwards, set on a white background. Below the logo reads the acronym "F.O.U.L." in similarly black colour. Weekly Hangout with snacks!
1pm - 4pm
Join us and our llama overlords for a fun hangout - we'll have snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and mayhem :)

Wed 28th May

Wednesday Discovery Bible Study
1pm - 2pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃

Thu 29th May

Weekly Prayer Meeting (Week 12)
11am - noon
Kwong Lee Dow, Room 417 (David Clarke Research)
Join us for an uplifting hour of praise, worship, and praying over our campus. ⭐️
Thursday Discovery Bible Study
noon - 1pm
Level 2 Rm 205, Student Pavillion
Open small-group catchups to support one another during the semester, and discover who Jesus is through small bible studies 📖. This is suitable for people exploring Christianity or Christians looking to learn how to be disciplemakers. 💃
House of Peace Week 12
5pm - 6:30pm
Room 224 Law building
House of Peace is our fortnightly community event where we will come together as a club, and spend time singing worship songs, connecting with one another and listening to a bible talk from guest speakers to help everyone get to know Jesus 😍 better

Fri 30th May

Trivia Night
5:30pm - 9pm
Carlton, Victoria
Join us for trivia to round out semester one, we promise not all rounds will be about politics...
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