GAMSAT Tutoring - S3 Only

GAMSAT Tutoring - S3 Only

13/01/2025 - 6/02/2025 midnight - midnight

Online & in Parkville Campus

Future Doctors Society

Get High Quality Tutoring for an Affordable Price!

Brought to you by the Future Doctors Society.

With this pacakge, buy all six S3 sessions!

Starting in the summer holidays, the FDS committee will be bringing their members virtual and in-person GAMSAT tutoring sessions delivered by extremely high scoring and experienced tutors.

Sessions will run according to the dates illustrated in the table below:

S1 S2 S3
Monday 3 March Tuesday 14 January  Monday 13 January 
Wednesday 5 March Friday 17 January Monday 20 January
Friday 7 March Tuesday 21 January Monday 27 January
Monday 10 March Friday 24 January Monday 3 February
Wednesday 12 March Tuesday 28 January Wednesday 5 February
Friday 14 March Friday 31 January Thursday 6 February

S1 sessions will run from 4pm to 5pm Melb Time whereas S2 will run from 5pm to 6pm.

Zoom links and locatiions will be confirmed shortly.

Farrago's magazine cover - Edition Six 2024


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