
Jimmy Rees' NOT THAT KINDA VIRAL is a rollercoaster of laughs

Beloved Australian entertainer Jimmy Rees, renowned for his fame on Giggle and Hoot, kicked off his Melbourne show with a blend of nostalgia, wit and infectious laughter.


Beloved Australian entertainer Jimmy Rees, renowned for his fame on Giggle and Hoot, kicked off his Melbourne show with a blend of nostalgia, wit and infectious laughter. As a segment of his Not That Kinda Viral tour, which comes after the resounding success of his Meanwhile in Australia tour, this show offered a generous dose of lighthearted humour. Occasionally leaning on more lowbrow jokes, it was nonetheless steeped in a delightful sense of reflection.

Rees took the stage with a bang, launching into a series of cheeky jokes centred around a subject that's sure to elicit chuckles: rear-end humour. While some may label it "cheap comedy,” there's no denying that these jokes brought a hearty dose of good-natured fun to the crowd. Rees has a unique ability to make even the simplest of jokes land with uproarious laughter.

The show took a particularly rib-tickling turn with the sketch involving a Brighton lady who, after a shopping spree, found herself in a rather amorous mood. The hilarity of the situation had the entire audience in stitches. However, it was evident that this segment, like much of the show, used adult-oriented humour, opting for straightforward sex jokes over more cerebral wit. While this comedic style certainly has its place, it might not resonate as strongly with those seeking more intellectually stimulating fare.

One of the standout features of Rees' performance though, was his adeptness at engaging the audience. He masterfully delved into the rich tapestry of Melbourne suburbs, cleverly weaving stereotypes into his routine. This not only elicited genuine laughs but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among the audience members, recognising their own neighbourhoods in the humorous exaggerations. The introduction of the "kiss cam" was another stroke of genius in terms of audience interaction. This playful segment breathed a new life into the show, allowing attendees to become active participants in the comedic experience. It created an atmosphere of inclusivity and mirth that heightened the overall enjoyment.

Moreover, the butcher sketch showcased Rees' prowess in observational comedy as he delved into the comical aspects of unsavoury hygiene standards observed in meat purchasing interactions. His keen eye for detail and ability to find humour in the mundane were both on full display. The creative incorporation of a court scene wherein the butcher faced legal scrutiny over the questionable hygiene standards added an extra layer of amusement, elevating the sketch to a memorable comedic highlight. Furthermore, Rees' depiction of the judge, the butcher and the civilian pressing charges against the butcher was executed beautifully. The array of vibrant witnesses called to testify, both physically and through the screen (all skillfully portrayed by Rees, of course), introduced an additional level of hilarity to the entire scene. However, there were instances of screenplay confusion where the transitions between characters were not as smoothly timed. Though brief, these moments momentarily disrupted the otherwise seamless flow of the performance.

Undoubtedly, the apex of the show, judging by the enthusiastic audience reactions, was the segment that took everyone on a nostalgic trip back to the turn of the millennium. For many in attendance, this was a delightful blast from the past: a throwback to a time filled with iconic pop culture references and fads. However, for a younger demographic like myself who may have been too tender in years to fully appreciate that era, the humour didn't quite hit the mark. The jokes sailed over our heads, resulting in polite chuckles rather than uproarious laughter. This segment, it seems, caters more to a specific demographic with shared cultural touchstones.

Overall, Jimmy Rees' Not That Kinda Viral is a rollercoaster of laughs, offering a mix of cheeky comedy, astute audience interaction and imaginative sketches. While some segments lean towards a more straightforward and adult-oriented humour, there are moments of observational brilliance that showcase Rees' comedic talent. Screenplay hiccups aside, the show is a testament to Rees' ability to command a stage and keep the audience thoroughly entertained. However, the turn-of-the-century segment, while a delightful trip down memory lane for many, may not strike the same chord with a younger crowd residing in Melbourne. Nonetheless, Rees' infectious energy and undeniable comedic flair make Not That Kinda Viral a worthwhile night out for those seeking a hearty dose of humour and a journey back to the early 2000s.

Farrago's magazine cover - Edition Six 2024


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